If you are driving throughout Florida, it is very important for you to read the following Top Tips To Avoid Minor Car Accidents In Florida. This information will definitely prove very helpful during your travels. Moreover, when in doubt when driving through Florida, a Florida auto accident lawyer can provide more information.
When driving through Florida, pay attention to the road conditions. Florida is a high-growth state, and it is common to encounter road construction, detours, and delays. Driving in a car with poor road conditions is never a pleasant experience.
Be Very Attentive When Driving in Florida
You should be attentive while driving around the state, especially if you want to avoid minor car accidents. There are road conditions which can be especially very dangerous at night. Many roads around the state are poorly lit.
Make sure that you are wearing your seat belt properly. This will ensure that you are safe and do not cause any harm to yourself or your passengers.
If you need to pull over, always remember to park your car safely at the roadside. Of course, you should make sure that you drive your car with caution. Car accidents in Florida are always a real possibility.
Always Drive Sober in Florida
Florida’s diverse demographics of the elderly, the young, and those new arrivals just learning English means you will encounter a wide variety of drivers on the road with different driving skills. It is especially important to be sure that you do not drive while intoxicated. Drinking and driving are two major mistakes that people make while driving.
Additionally, by following these tips to avoid minor car accidents in Florida, you will be able to avoid accidents:
- Make sure that you keep your vehicle safe. It is always advised for you to keep your vehicle up-to-date as well as the brakes in working condition. If you are traveling in an RV and lugging a trailer, properly secure it with a trailer hitch lock. There have been many cases where people lose their trailers or pull one accidentally that is not theirs.
- When you are driving at night, you should keep a clear mind and drive cautiously. Of course, use your headlights while driving.
- Always try to stop your car at intersections. The road may be a lot narrower when it is dark.
- Another important tip that you need to remember when you travel in Florida is to keep your vehicle safety at the forefront of your mind. Remember that the vehicle is the one that will take the most damage in an accident.
- Avoid any major traffic violations such as parking violations. Even minor traffic violations like parking your car illegally will add up to your ticket fines.
- Make sure that you are doing proper vehicle maintenance on a regular basis. A good maintenance program can ensure that your car remains safe and that you can continue to enjoy your driving experience in Florida.
If You Get a Florida DUI
Hire an experienced Florida DUI Lawyer or a competent drunk driving defense attorney who is experienced with Florida DUI laws. Understanding Florida DUI laws and courtroom proceedings that accompany it can be a major challenge. Hiring a qualified Florida DUI attorney whose legal practice concentrates on drunk driving cases can make a difference in the outcome of your drunk driving charge.
Florida DUI Information
Driving with an illegal alcohol level (DUBAL) (.08) results in an immediate License Suspension.
According to Florida DUI statutes, your license will be suspended as of the arrest date for 6 months for the first offense and one year for any other offense of DUBAL. You will be given a 10-day permit on the date of the arrest. Once the permit has expired, then 30 days of the suspension must be served before the driver is eligible to apply for a hardship license.
Eligibility for a Hardship License in the State of Florida
You will be eligible for a hardship license on the first and any consecutive suspension unless you have been convicted of a DUI in Florida two or more times. Under the Florida DUI law, you must provide proof of enrollment in a driving under the influence school to the Administrative Reviews Office in order to be considered for a hardship license.
If given the approval to reinstate early for hardship, you must present this approval to the driver’s license office. At the time of reinstatement, whether for a hardship license or a full license, you must take the required examination, and pay a $115 administrative fee and $35 reinstatement fee and any license fee required. Proof of liability insurance on the arrest date will be required or proof of liability coverage and a $15 reinstatement fee will be required.
Conditions for DUI Test Refusals
If you refuse to submit either to a breath or urine test after a car accident in Florida, Florida DUI statutes require that your license be suspended as of the arrest date for a minimum of one year for the first offense and 18 months for any consecutive offenses.
You will be given a 10-day permit on the date of arrest and when the permit expires, you must serve 90 days of the suspension before the driver is eligible to apply for a hardship license on the first suspension. No hardship license is permitted if you have refused to submit two or more times.
You must provide proof of enrollment in a DUI School to the Administrative Reviews Office for consideration for a hardship license. If given the approval to reinstate early for hardship, you must present this approval to the driver’s license office. At the time of reinstatement, whether for a hardship license or a full license, you must take the required examination, pay a $115 administrative fee, a $35 reinstatement fee, and any license fees required.
Under Florida DUI law, proof of liability insurance on the arrest date will be required or proof of liability coverage and a $15 reinstatement fee will be required.