Last Updated on October 6, 2023
CBD has been the buzz all around the internet not just for one reason people have been talking about the miraculous benefits the substances showing as well as the doubts about its credibility.
When this substance seems to show significant changes in the condition of people who were suffering from various diseases the question came upon about whether or not it is useful over animals. You can learn more about it here with the insights of the professionals.
Cannabidiol is also known as CBD is a chemical compound found in hemp and cannabis naturally. Cannabis on the other hand also has a compound actively present in it called delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol also known as THC which is responsible for the psychoactive behavior caused to people who consume it. It is majorly present in marijuana and that is what makes you feel that you are in a state of high or you have lost control over yourself. You can get Delta-9-THC in Cookies, Brownies, Cereal Treats, and other edible options.
Cannabidiol is a compound that is not psychoactive, and it doesn’t send you into that typical state of high. It doesn’t make you lose control over your body, but it interacts with your nervous system in a way that makes the components that make you feel the sense of anxiety or makes you feel that fight or flight response go shut.
The reason behind the working of this chemical is still something that is being researched and that is why you must learn about it fully before diving into it.
CBD has been found effective in dealing with many diseases starting from anxiety and pain to even psychological disorders like schizophrenia and eating disorders. The way it is perceived is that it is a natural way to deal with the disease and cure it that is why people are not only getting excited to purchase this product for themselves but for their pets as well as this news has sent them in a state of curiosity.
No product has got federal approval for dogs that contain this substance so you must study before you purchase any.
There are severe regulations in many states concerning the purchase of this product which can lead to some penalties, but other states are much more liberal about the regulations like California. You must check with the condition in your area and make an informed decision. The Federal Government has approved one drug but sadly it is just for humans and not for animal use.
Many companies all across the world are making products involving cannabinoid in it and selling it. It is now available anywhere and everywhere.
You can find oils, lotions, drugs, gummies, and whatnot. You can find CBD Oil for dogs at sites such as Pet hemp company official site as it is found to be a genuine product. While you purchase any product make sure it is tested by some third-party lab so that you can confirm that it is pure and the quality described is what it is being delivered.
In 2018 a research was conducted, and it was found that CBD was found effective in osteoarthritis found in dogs. Almost 80% of the dogs were found to respond to that treatment. The dosage was based on the bodyweight of the pet for the milligrams.
The dogs were found to show signs of irritability and laziness and unwillingness to move before they were given the dosage and after that, they were found to show signs of mobility and willingness to play and run.
Some researchers tried to experiment if the dogs with seizure issues can be treated and they were given seizure medications, as well as cannabidiol, and the signs of improvement were significant and visible. The research is still being going on in the matter as the researchers want to study the substance more before jumping to conclusions. While the definitive medication still needs to come out, the positive outcome has opened a window of hope for many.
This product is available for pets in various kinds of varieties and ways to use but the perfect way is still something that the professionals are figuring out. Some studies show that the consumption of CBD through the mouth is beneficial not just for humans but for dogs as well and showed a much more effective response than consumed any other way like applying it over the body.
The dosage to give to your dog can vary from 2 to 8 my per kg of the bodyweight of the pet and it also depends on its condition. It is important to understand that every dog is different, and they may react to the dosage differently, so it is recommended to start from a smaller dose and see how your dog is responding to it.
There is always going to be a prescription over the back of the product but make sure that you keep in mind that it is developed by companies and it can be biased.
You can also take the hints that the product isn’t working for your pet if it shows similar signs of illness and showing no improvement with severe panting, vomiting, loss of body posture, etc. If they show such signs it means that your pet has consumed an excessive dosage of the product and it is causing the side effects.
You can see this for more information: It is advised that you take your pet to your veterinarian as soon as possible.
Some states have restrictions on veterinarians over discussing cannabidiol at all which can result in the suspension of their license as well so it will also depend on whether they would like to talk about it or not. It is advised you visit them before giving your pet this product.