What was the last trendy diet that you tried? Did you do it because you’ve read that a lot of people had success with it? Or was it because a high-profile celebrity endorsed it?
Social media and search engines like Google make it easy to discover diet and nutrition fads. One minute, it’s all about avocados; the next moment, they’re eating nothing but protein. Influencers and A-listers jumping on the bandwagon don’t make the decision any easier.
So how do you know which ones truly work?
When you’ve done almost everything and still fail to see results, maybe nutrigenomics can help.
What is Nutrigenomics?
Nutrigenomics studies the relationship between our genetic makeup and how it reacts to nutrients in the food we consume. Thanks to the Human Genome Project that began in the 90s, we now understand that every individual has a unique genetic makeup or blueprint of how our bodies work. This explains why the same medicine can have different reactions for every person.
A wonderful example of nutrigenomics is a recent study from the College of Biological Science at the University of Guelph. According to their research, there are people that have genetic variations that make their bodies less effective at converting saturated fatty acids (SFAs) into monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), or good fats. This could make them more prone to stroke or heart disease.
If you knew you were at risk for these diseases due to your genetic makeup, wouldn’t you want to do something about it?
We can’t change our genes, but we can change our habits. By taking specific foods rich in nutrients that our bodies need, we will be one step towards a healthier future.
How To Eat for Your Genes with GenoPalate
Using genetics in nutrition and wellness may sound like science fiction, but it’s one of the tools many medical professionals use today. Risks for obesity, diabetes, and even breast cancer, can be mitigated with appropriate lifestyle changes.
And to empower you to make better choices is genetics-based, personal nutrition company GenoPalate.
With their simple home nutrition DNA test, you can create the best diet for your genes. Their full-colored comprehensive report includes an analysis of food sensitivities, macro- and micronutrient recommendations, as well as a list of foods for optimal health. You can opt to upload previous DNA data (from 23andMe or AncestryDNA) to receive your Essential Nutrition Report.
GenoPalate will give insight into your ideal daily intake of carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals. The report will also contain information about sensitivities to substances like alcohol, gluten, caffeine, and lactose.
For example: people with Low Caffeine Metabolizer results should take it easy on coffee because their bodies can’t clear caffeine from their systems fast enough. Are you experiencing headaches or jitters after your morning latte? This could explain why. With this knowledge, you can now make improved decisions about your usual cup of Joe.
Maximizing Your Personalized Nutrition Plan
Getting a personalized nutrition plan is only the tip of the iceberg. Putting their suggestions into practice is another story. So how do you make the most out of your GenoPalate report? Simple – use it as a guide, especially when grocery shopping or eating out.
Say your analysis suggests that your genes make your body predisposed to produce less Omega-3 fatty acids. This means you will need to add more Omega-3-rich foods to your regimen. Check their list of recommended foods and see which ones a) you’re already consuming, and b) what you need to eat more of. If you’re fond of tuna and salmon, for instance, you can try herring next time.
See something you don’t like? Don’t worry; there’s no need to overhaul your diet. Just add a few items (that you’re not allergic or have sensitivity to) to complement your weekly menu. Expecting a lunch date with friends? Order a salad with walnuts and chia seeds instead of your usual frittata.
Still have questions about your Nutrition Report? Join their complimentary 30-45 minute group orientation session with registered dieticians.
Next, boost your wellness journey by getting enough sleep and exercise. Adding good stuff to your diet is essential; but you can still do more by sleeping well and staying active. What you eat affects how you snooze, too. So try not to consume too much carbs, alcohol, caffeine, or sweets before bed. No time for exercise? Daily chores (e.g. mowing the lawn, vacuuming, walking the dog, etc.) can also burn extra calories.
A simple report can change your life. In the digital age when information is right at our fingertips, it’s ironic that the abundance of ‘helpful’ material can be both overwhelming and confusing. It’s time to take the guesswork out of health and nutrition.
Food is more than fuel. When we eat what’s right for us, it can heal, transform, and nurture us in ways we never imagined. GenoPalate’s personalized report can help you move in a more accurate, science-based direction. Say goodbye to fad diets and cookie-cutter meal plans. Say yes to real, actionable insights for a better, healthier YOU.