Choosing a good place for doing business, whether it is an office, a store, a warehouse, or a service point, is a very important step, because it is this room that will either attract or repel potential customers. “The location and compliance of the premises with the tasks set by 70% affect the efficiency of doing business,” experts say. But for business owners, as a rule, moving is not a very frequent occurrence. What is the right way to approach this issue?
There are several generally accepted principles for choosing commercial real estate, following which you can increase the chances of successful cooperation with clients and partners. You can easily choose certain nuances when searching for a room using Lokalebasen. There are a huge number of filters that can help you find the perfect location for your business. Lokalebasen works in many cities around the world, you just need to enter keywords such as shop premises for rent in Aarhus and you will get the best options at fair prices.
Preparatory stage
First, you need to find out what type of property suits you best. What will it be – an apartment, a separate special room, or a large business center? It is necessary to take into account the very specifics of your business: where, for example, a grocery store will work successfully, the sale of spare parts may not go at all. And for a warehouse, you will need such nuances that you can safely ignore when choosing a regular office.
Knowing the minimum and maximum requirements for your future premises, you need to decide whether you will look for such a property yourself or contact specialists. The latter option is preferable: a businessman busy with his business for more than a day is forced to treat such an important issue according to the “leftover principle”. Alas, mistakes are inevitable.
Location of the premises and its parameters
If your business requires a lot of attendance by people, then you need to select a place where they can easily get to and where there is a good transport interchange. And if only employees will be in the room, then you can choose real estate in any area, but here you also need to consider how they can come and go from work.
The dimensions of the premises should be taken into account with the expectation of what kind of staff will be in it, what is the expected number of visits per day from clients. Do not forget about the presence of serviceable engineering structures:
- Ventilation;
- Vables;
- Heating;
- Internet connection.
It is highly recommended to have a parking place near the object, convenient access, and security are desirable.
Lokalebasen will help you choose premises for these parameters. This site provides information about offices in cities and towns, so you can easily rent a shop for rent in Odense or butik til leje i Odense (shop for rent in Odense).
The best demand from the population
Study of neighbors and competitors. It is best to open a business in a place where the goods/services offered will be in greatest demand among the population. For example, if there is a jewelry store nearby, then it would be relevant to open a new salon for wedding dresses and accessories nearby.
Rental price issues
The rental price is a very important factor. It is necessary to discuss the issues of repair, the possibility of installing air conditioners, placing facade advertising, etc. at the time of the conclusion of the transaction. The main problem is the inability to set a clear rent for a long time. As inflation rises, it often happens that the tenant is confronted with a rent increase, or the lease is terminated. The Lokalebasen website has all the data and the price, but the landlord can always make changes that are unlikely to be very different.
It is better for a novice businessman to conclude a lease for a short time, a kind of trial period of 3-4-6 months. For example, renting a shop for a short period of time will show whether the trade will be good in this place. If you have the slightest doubt about the lease, be sure to consult with a specialist!
Proximity of competitors
On the one hand, if there is a point of competitors nearby, this means that there is a demand on the market and customers are familiar with the product. On the other hand, buyers are more likely to go to a familiar company that they trust.
Therefore, before choosing a location for opening, you need to evaluate the competitors nearby. Consider also:
- The size of their business – if there is a regional network with a similar product nearby, then it will be more difficult to compete with it. Large stores managed to earn the trust of the buyer, so you will need to figure out how to convince them to come to you;
- Traffic – how many people visit competitors during the day. This will help to understand the real demand in the area.
The success of the whole business can depend on the premises for your business. This issue should be taken as seriously as possible. Therefore, in conclusion, we want to make a couple of tips for choosing.
For staff. If you communicate with clients on the Internet, and the office is needed only for employees, then you can expand the search area as much as possible. Choose the one that suits you in terms of price and location, for example, closer to the house or to the supplier’s warehouse.
For business meetings. If you plan to meet with clients and partners in the office, then the room should be clean, bright, and with convenient transport interchange. Entrance from the yard or basement can create a negative impression even before negotiations begin.