LASIK eye surgery is a medical procedure that is commonly used in order to correct a wide array of eye conditions, including myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. It is a form of refractive eye surgery that involves using leading-edge lasers to reshape the cornea of the patient to improve their vision.
Numbing drops are inserted before the laser is used, so the patient will experience no pain. The patient is also conscious throughout the procedure, albeit some may be given a mild sedative if they are nervous.
Here, our focus will be on how you can determine if you are a good candidate for LASIK eye surgery.
Who may benefit from LASIK treatment?
Farsightedness is also known as hyperopia. A person with hyperopia will have trouble seeing objects that are near them, but will usually have no issues with seeing objects or people that are a great distance away from them.
Hyperopia is caused when the corneal curvature of the patient is excessively flat. LASIK is used to reshape the patient’s cornea so that its curve is far steeper.
People who suffer from astigmatism will have an eye that is abnormally shaped. For example, a normal eye will tend to be round, whereas a patient with astigmatism may have an eye that resembles the shape of a football.
LASIK may be used in order to treat the abnormal curvature that is caused by astigmatism. As for nearsightedness, it is also known as myopia.
A person with myopia will usually have no issues with seeing objects that are in close proximity but will struggle to see objects that are situated a great distance away from them. Myopia is usually caused when the corneal curvature is excessively steep. Fortunately, LASIK can be used in order to reshape the cornea to treat myopia.
Are you a good candidate for LASIK?
In order to be considered for LASIK, you need to be at least 18. This is because our vision tends to be unstable when we are children or teenagers due to hormonal fluctuations. A stable prescription is also a must.
In fact, a stable prescription of at least 1 or 2 years is usually a prerequisite in order to be considered for LASIK eye surgery. Moreover, you must not suffer from a chronic dry eye condition. Having a history of dry eye may hinder the healing process after the procedure.
However, you may still be able to have LASIK eye surgery in some cases. For example, your doctor may suggest that you take nutritional supplements and use artificial tears in order to treat your dry eye condition. Once your condition is under control, you may be able to undergo LASIK.
In addition, your prescription must be within a certain limit. Generally, LASIK can rectify five diopters for astigmatism, plus five diopters for hyperopia, and minus eleven diopters of myopia.
As can be seen, LASIK is ideal for people who suffer from myopia (nearsightedness), but it can also benefit those with astigmatism and hyperopia. However, LASIK has limits, and if your current prescription is beyond those limits, then you may need to pursue other procedures.
The thickness of your cornea will also determine your eligibility for LASIK. A lack of thickness will make it hard, or impossible, for your doctor to make a corneal flap in order to proceed with the operation.
What to Expect During LASIK Surgery
A flap in the cornea is made by the surgeon before the surface of the cornea is restructured in order to treat the eye condition in question. You will be asked to focus on a light to ensure that you do not move your eyes while the laser is being administered.
Eye drops are placed before the surgeon begins the procedure so that your eyes will be completely numb. Some patients may be given a mild sedative if they are nervous about the procedure.
LASIK eye surgery will usually take about half an hour in order to complete. LASIK helps with treating hyperopia, myopia, and/or astigmatism so that most patients will no longer need eyeglasses or contact lenses in order to see.
Closing Thoughts
LASIK can be used to treat astigmatism, farsightedness, and/or nearsightedness. It is a quick, inexpensive, and painless procedure with a very high level of success. Most patients will fully recover in a few days, and will no longer need to use contact lenses or glasses in order to see.
However, to determine if you are a good candidate for LASIK, your surgeon will provide a free consultation and an eye exam in order to screen your eyes and learn more about your medical history.