When choosing a psychiatrist Louisville Ky residents should understand that a lot of factors come into play. Considering these factors enable you to weed out the bad guys who can concoct all kinds of reasons to justify why you need treatment. They also seem to be all-knowing and promise to use methods that are not backed by science. So what else are the tell tales of a bad Louisville psychiatrist that you should look out for? In this article, we tell you signs that you’ve got the wrong guy and should run away. Read on to learn more.
They Disregard you
No one knows your life better than you. You are the one living in your body, and understand your circumstance and environment better than anybody else. Irrespective of how learned a Louisville psychiatrist is, they possibly cannot know you better than you do. It’s only you that will know that something is wrong or right in you. If the psychologist ignores the fact that you are the most knowledgeable about your life, it’s the first sign that they may not be the right person to treat your mental condition. You are the only one that can judge whether or not something is wrong with you. Never give up this power to another person.
They diagnose quickly and liberally
Diagnoses are what enable a doctor or a psychiatrist to put a name to the experience that a person is going through. Through diagnoses, a Louisville psychiatrist will know what treatment to offer based on what worked for other people that exhibited similar symptoms. But a disadvantage of diagnoses is that they are associated with certain stigmas that people hold in society.
A wrong psychiatrist Louisville will stop seeing you as the patient in front of them and only see the diagnosis of another person. This easily impacts how they perceive you even before you meet them and will most likely affect the treatment that they give you. When a psychiatrist goes into a situation with a preconceived idea of you before even meeting you, they risk missing vital information about you. This is more so when you have been diagnosed with a stigmatized mental disorder, for example, schizophrenia or borderline personality disorder.
Mental health experts should practice a lot of care when diagnosing a patient because that diagnosis is sure to stick with the patient for a long part of their lives. Many health insurance providers require clinicians to diagnose a patient for them to bill for prescription medications or a visit covered by them.
They only prescribe one type of medication over and over
Another sign that you got a wrong clinician is if they prescribe only a limited type of medications despite the differing circumstances and symptoms of their patients. They are likely profiteering from that prescription in one way or the other. You should be particularly cautious when the drug in question is a brand name whose generic form has not yet been offered.
Another way that psychiatrists can benefit when they prescribe the same medications over and over is by making you come again and again. This can be done in two ways.
The first one is that the psychiatrist prescribes a drug containing lots of side effects that require that you are prescribed additional medications for managing the side effects. The other way is that such unscrupulous psychiatrists prescribe a drug that is highly addictive that makes you reliant on it for you to function normally. The truth is that no medication should be causing you more problems than you already have. If you realize that a psychiatrist is prescribing medications you are not comfortable with, it may be that you need to discontinue your association with them.
They Blame You for Your Illness
A top Louisville psychiatrist is a helping professional that understands mental illnesses properly. Unfortunately, some of them are not to be trusted. If a psychiatrist explicitly or implicitly claims that mental illness is your fault or results from something you didn’t do or did, they are failing to uphold the “do no harm” oath that they took. In such a case, you need to drop them immediately.
Also, if a psychiatrist tries to make you feel terrible about yourself just because you have a mental problem, or implies that you need to be ashamed of your condition, the environment is too dangerous to be getting treatment.
They don’t acknowledge their Mistake
Nobody is perfect. Even if the Louisville psychiatrist that you have chosen to work with has several degrees in the mental illness area, this doesn’t mean that they are all-powerful or all-knowing. They can make mistakes at one time or another. If they accept their mistakes before you, it shows how honest they are concerning their practice. Knowing the psychiatric medications that may help a person is educated guessing. It is a process that is dependent on numerous factors. If your psychiatrist fronts psychiatry as the perfect answer to your problem, it could be that they aren’t being transparent. You should walk away and find another psychiatrist Louisville ky.
They Imply that Something is Wrong with You
Here is the thing, if you go to the hospital complaining of an ear infection, it does not mean that something is wrong with you. You are only sick and deserve to be treated. You trust that the doctor will treat your illness with the right medications and should the ear infection recur, then the doctor will treat it again. Being sick, whether mentally or physically, doesn’t make you broken. It just means that you are on a different health spectrum.
If your psychiatrist Louisville KY cannot see that, then you are justified to dump him.
You may still be looking for the perfect Louisville psychiatrist for your case, but at least you should know what not to settle for. But you can take comfort in the knowledge that a lot of people are frustrated in their search for a psychiatrist Louisville. But one thing you should not do is to work with someone you know doesn’t meet the cut.