Honestly, this article is a little moot since you are pretty likely to use 3D rendering at some point in your career anyway. The design industry has been teaching things like CAD in schools for years, but now they are starting to teach 3D design simply because it is in such high demand in the job market. You are probably going to use 3D designs and 3D interior renders anyway, but here are five reasons why you should start sooner rather than later.
1 – Identify Problems Earlier And Access Designs Quicker
There is a great difference between the sizes we see, sizes we imagine, and sizes we plan. For example, in a room plan, the position of the bed may show that there is plenty of room to walk along each side of it. Yet, when the sizes are shown in a visual form through a digital design, it becomes obvious that the amount of space needed to comfortably traverse around the bed is simply not present.
On a similar note, you can use services like RebusFarm to render out your designs sooner rather than later. This means you can adjust your designs on the fly, re-render them, and see the finished result more quickly. It is very handy if you are still work-shopping ideas and haven’t settled on a final design yet.
2 – It is a Dynamic and Flexible Way to Sell an Idea
You can move and change things as easily and as quickly as you like. You can give people several different design options, and the great thing is that you don’t have to fully re-work or re-draw your designs each time you change something. In fact, things like the changing of wall and floor colors can be done with just the click of a button.
3 – Designers With Poor Sales Skills Can Still Get Funding
Let’s say that you are a great designer, but you have the verbal prowess of a vampire bat. No matter how good your designs are and how good your portfolio looks, you are going to lose out to the people who can paint a world with their words.
However, 3D rendering helps to shift things back in your favor. You are able to show photo-realistic images and models of your designs before they have been completed. You are able to show the finished product before the work staff have even got the lids off their tins of paint.
4 – People Are Starting To Expect 3D Interior Rendering
It is a bit like how people are starting to expect every takeaway to have some sort of online ordering process, or how we expect every gas station to have at least some pay-at-the-pump services. The trend for 3D interior rendering has been hastened. Firstly, because there are so many design programs out there, and secondly by the fact that it is very easy to get your designs rendered out quickly these days. You don’t need to buy a server to render out your detailed designs because there are third-party services that will render your designs for a small cost.
5 – Use Photo-Realism and Real-Life Places to Sell an Idea
Even the most basic software allows you to stretch textures over some basic shapes so that things look pretty realistic from a distance. But, even if you want to make things look super realistic, you can do it more quickly these days because there are libraries full of almost anything you can think of. Do you want a few photo-realistic chairs and a goldfish tank? You can find the designs online, some of which already have animations built into them. Many of them are free, which is great if you are on a tight budget. Also, don’t forget that you can add photo-realistic elements into photos of real life, which is also very handy if you are trying to sell an interior design to a client for whom you already have still images of their target area.