Deciding to continue your education and pursue a graduate degree is a commendable step in enhancing your career. The decision becomes even more challenging when it entails leaving home, venturing into a new environment, and adapting to a whole new
Read More100 Savage Roasts to Come Back from Any Situation
Once in a while, we find ourselves in protracted arguments where our opponents have completely thrown logic out the window. Instead of coming to us with persuasive reason, they opt to hit us way below the belt by attacking our
Read More5 Effective Techniques To Help You Become a Typing Master
Nowadays, typing is considered a form of communication. If your hands are not as fast as your thoughts, you could lose that bright new idea. One of the biggest motivations for improving your typing speed is to increase productivity. From
Read More12 Best Beginner-Friendly Programming Languages
Learning how to code might be challenging as a beginner, but the process can get easier by understanding all the important aspects. One of them is knowing which programming languages to learn first. Choosing the right programming language requires knowing
Read More8 Best Leadership Books of All Time
Leadership is one of the most ancient concepts. Surprisingly, it’s also one of the most fluid. While some people view leadership as the ability to think creatively and give direction, others consider it as an inborn talent in getting people
Read More10 Best Books to Navigate the Challenges of Working from Home
Working from home, also known as telecommuting, is becoming the norm for most Americans. According to one Gallup survey, at least 43% of Americans worked from home occasionally in 2019 (1). This number has likely doubled during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read More20 Best Skills To List On A Resume (Hard And Soft Skills)
Writing a catchy resume is a tough balancing act between highlighting your top academic qualifications and best creative abilities. And since resumes should be short and sweet, there’s only too much space to capture your most outstanding skills. But what
Read More25 Productive Things to Do When You’re Bored
Have you ever felt empty, unmotivated, and purposeless? It sucks to feel that way, doesn’t it? Sure, it does. That’s exactly what boredom is. It’s a draining feeling that suddenly makes you lack interest in work and other activities around
Read More7 Tips to Boost Your Looks (And Confidence) During Zoom Meetings
If you didn’t know about Zoom before the COVID-19 outbreak, you most certainly have heard (or even used) this service. For the uninitiated, Zoom is a telecommunications tool that allows you to conduct virtual meetings with your staff, coworkers, or
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