Everyone wants to maximize the time they get every day, but some people tend to be more successful and productive at doing this than others.
How can you become one of these people? It’s simple, you need to practice time management so you can work smarter, not harder. Below are a list of tips and tricks to help you successfully manage your time.
1. Complete the most demanding and important tasks at the start of the day.
In time management, it’s crucial to work on things in this order as the first hour of work is often the most productive. First thing in the day, pick two or three tasks that are the most urgent and work on those. Once you’re done, that’s already a massive success for your day!
2. Focus only on the current task.
When you’re tackling a task, don’t try to multitask or allow for any distractions. Close your browser windows and enter ‘do not disturb’ mode on your computer. Put your phone elsewhere and on silent. Listen to some music if that’s helpful but you should be in a quiet place.
3. Set yourself a time limit to finish your task.
If you start a project with a specific idea of how long it will take to work on it, it will push you to stay focused and be efficient, even if you end up having to adjust it a bit later. If you find you often go over your scheduled limits, consider eliminating little breaks or reducing distractions.
4. Don’t forget to give yourself breaks.
Schedule breaks every 90 minutes maximum to maximize productivity and avoid burning out. Janet Hawkins, a project manager at BoomEssays and UKWritings, says that “after 90 minutes, your brain finds it difficult to focus without a break. Go for a walk, meditate, or do something else completely different.
5. Use your waiting times to be productive.
We have a lot of time waiting around in our lives: waiting in line for something, waiting rooms, airports, train stations, and more. If you can do things during this time, it can reduce your workload later. Do some reading, catch up on emails or phone calls, or use this time as a mental break and listen to music or podcasts, or even stretch and clear your mind.
6. Live a healthy lifestyle.
It’s important to eat healthy and do lots of exercise. Healthy lifestyles go hand in hand with higher work productivity. This will increase your energy levels, clear your mind by helping you handle stress and you’ll come out of it more focused. Short but intense workouts can be just as helpful as long ones, so schedule in some time every other day for a workout.
7. Get 8 hours of good sleep.
If you’re cutting on your sleep time to work, it will actually not benefit you since tired people tend to get distracted and procrastinate. Matthew Richards, a team leader at Essayroo and Assignment Writing Service, adds that “you should be getting 8 hours of good, uninterrupted sleep every night. If you’re not getting enough sleep, your body will let you know and it’s very important that you listen to it.”
8. Don’t be afraid to say no.
It can be easy to take things too far and agree to everything. It’s important to learn how to decline opportunities if they aren’t aligned with your goals. If you’re used to accepting invites and offers on the spot, instead say you need to check your schedule and get back to them later. This buys you time to evaluate the offer and see if it works for you.
9. Turn regular tasks into habits.
If you practice these time management tips regularly and change your entire productivity mindset, they will in turn form habits. After a while of doing the same schedule, these habits will be automatic and you won’t have to work hard to maintain them. Because you don’t regularly, it becomes natural and even enjoyable for your mind.
10. Enjoy yourself!
The final tip is without a doubt the most important one. Don’t stress about your to-do list and productivity, because burning yourself out won’t help you in the long run, and the stress will reflect in the quality of your work. Enjoy your day, every day, and make sure you have a good work-life balance.